
Left Behind The Kids 3 : Through the Flames
  • 0-8423-2195-0
JUDD Thompson and the other three kids living in his otherwise abandoned suburban house sometimes felt as if it was just them against the world. Judd, at sixteen, was the oldest. Then came the redhead..
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Left Behind The Kids 2 : Second Chance
  • 0-8423-2194-2
JUDDThompson Jr. had always sized up situations quickly. It was clear to him that of the four kids who had fled to nearby New Hope Village Church during the greatest crisis the world would ever see, h..
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Left Behind The Kids 1 : The Vanishing
  • 0-8423-2193-4
JUDDThompson Jr. had always hated having the same name as his father. Until now.Every time the phone rang and someone asked for Judd, it was "Which one? Big Judd or Little Judd?"The funny thing was, L..
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  • 978-979-18618-5-4
KontraS (Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan) lahir sebagai organisasi yang berhadapan langsung dengan Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia (ABRI) yang kala itu –di penghujung Orde..
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These books are primarily intended for the angler, placing major emphasis on gamefish species (nearly 260) sought in the fresh- and saltwaters ofCanada, the United States, and Mexico, and on the prey ..
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These books are primarily intended for the angler, placing major emphasis on gamefish species (nearly 260) sought in the fresh- and saltwaters of Canada, the United States, and Mexico, and on the prey..
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  • 92-5-105569-6
The decision was made to prepare an updated second edition of FNP 52 to include all food additive specifications prepared by JECFA through its sixty-fifth meeting in 2005. It was further decided that ..
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Reflections on Water
  • 0-262-52284-3
The book offers eight diverse and intriguing case studies from around the world to illustrate new approaches to understanding water resource issues, particularly in transboundary settings. The editors..
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Saat buku ini terbit, baik tokoh yang dibicarakan maupun pengarangnya, telahmeninggal. Amir Sjarifuddin meninggal tahun 1948, menyusul Peristiwa Madiunyang melibat dirinya. Ia meninggal dalam arus rev..
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The safety and benefits of foods processed by ionizing radiation are well documented. In an effort to provide governments with scientifically accurate information on issues of general interest to the ..
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Microorganisms in Food
  • 0-306-48676-8
The intention of the second edition was to bring the first edition (published in 1996) up to date, taking into account developments in food processing and packaging, new products, and recognition of n..
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Mengelola Sampah Kota
  • 979002021x
Permasalahan sampah kota tidak hanya teknis, tetapi juga sosial, ekonomi dan budaya. Masalah utama sampah kota umumnya terjadi di TPA terutama di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia seperti Jakarta, Sura..
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The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2006
  • 92-5-105580-7
Ten years ago, world leaders met in Rome for the World Food Summit (WFS) to discuss ways to end hunger. They pledged their commitment to an ongoing effort to eradicate hunger in all countries and sett..
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256 sampai 270 dari 281 (19 halaman)