Left Behind The Kids 5 : Nicolae High

ISBN: 0-8423-4325-3
Kategori: Umum
Dibaca: 53 kali
Judd, Vicki, Ryan, and Lionel. They must take their newfound faith to the classrooms of Global Community Middle School and Nicolae Carpathia High.Danger awaits them. Should they obey the authorities, outlaw carrying Bibles or even talking about God? They risk everything and speak the truth to their ...

Judd, Vicki, Ryan, and Lionel. They must take their newfound faith to the classrooms of Global Community Middle School and Nicolae Carpathia High.
Danger awaits them. Should they obey the authorities, outlaw carrying Bibles or even talking about God? They risk everything and speak the truth to their friends? Who can they trust?

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